iPhone Theme for WordPress
Hey with as much press as the iPhone is getting this might be a good way to get hits to your site for awhile.
I was in the Apple store today playing with the iPhone and I have to admit it was a lot of fun to play with. Apple is very good with user interfaces. Think of it this way, there is only 1 button on the front of the phone. The rest of the viewing area is a touch screen and YouTube videos do play well on it.
I like my theme so I am going to pass on this but maybe someone will make a plug-in to support your default theme and convert it for the iPhone.
Any takers?
Weblog Tools Collection » Blog Archive » WordPress iPhone Theme and Plugin
The iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme automatically reformats your blog’s content for optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhone. It detects the iPhone’s User Agent and serves up the content with the special theme only to iPhone visitors, all other browsers will view your WordPress blog with your current theme.
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