RSS How-To Videos: 7 Must See Videos on How to Use RSS
Here is a very good introduction video on RSS and how to use it.
What is RSS?
Ever wonder what RSS is used for? How it can make your business easier to run? How to head off surprises in the market? Or how to find that hard to find item. RSS can be used for all of these things and more.
Create A Website: Practical RSS: Introduction To RSS - Episode 1
RSS in Plain English
Nice tutorial on what RSS is and how to use it!RSS Explained
RSS Unleashed
Good introductory video on how to use RSS in a web browser.RSS and Tracking the News - Video #2
Here is how to stay current on the news on the web. You can track just about anything. Covers how to setup Google Reader for RSS feeds.
Create A Website: Practical RSS: Keeping Current - RSS And News - Episode 2Using RSS with iGoogle and IMDB
Examples include “Born on this Day” from IMDB and “On this Day in History” from BBC. Searching for torrents on MiniNova.com and delivering new files to your RSS reader. Finally, searching for your name or products on the Internet and then getting updates via RSS.Watching Auctions with RSS
Want to watch for items you have to have but keep missing out on that deal. Try using RSS feeds to get the items you want. How about adding them to your WordPress site with an RSS widget and share them with your users? Give it a try and make some money on the referrals.This will give you some ideas on how you can use RSS in your website or blog.
How to Create WordPress Themes for a Wii - ChimpSimple Version
How To Create a WordPress Theme for Wii Browsers
Chris Finke has put together a nice WordPress theme that will display on a Wii as well. I like his theme but I need a theme for a Kid’s Video site so I modified the code to fit my theme.
Here is the original post on how to modify a WordPress theme for the Wii.
I didn’t understand all the steps so I documented them so just about anyone can understand them.
Download the Green Code theme as your base theme for creating the new WordPress Wii theme.
I have adapted this to a theme I made for the Wii Kids TV site. This site has YouTube kid’s videos that can be watched on the Wii console.
So people would ask “Why would you do this?”
Because I didn’t want my 3 and 5 year old watch YouTube videos on my development server! Not with Admin enabled at least …
So I made them a WordPress website that they can watch on their Wii console and I can keep on coding and developing portals … :))
Theme Demo
Wii Kids TV - PC version
Wii Kids TV - Wii versionCheck it out and let me know what you think.
Remember: Make a backup of the files/folder before you start making changes.
It will save you a lot of time if you remove the wrong commands!Steps to Create Your Own Wii WordPress Theme
Start with the Greencode theme and modify it to fit your theme.1. Copy the wii-style.css and print-stle.css (optional) from the Green Code folder to your theme folder.
2. Copy the /images/wii.gif from the Green Code theme into your theme’s /images folder.
3. Modify the header.php file in your theme’s folder. Add the following code to the section:
if (isset($_REQUEST["wii"]) || (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], “Wii;”) !== false)){ ?> /wii-style.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” /> } else { ?> ” type=”text/css” media=”screen” /> /print-style.css” type=”text/css” media=”print” /> } ?>
This command checks the user agent and then decides which CSS page to display. Here is the basic format of the script:
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], “Wii;”) !== false){
[... wii stylesheet ...]
} else {
[... regular stylesheets ...]
}4. Modify the wii-style.css file to exclude sections of the page you don’t want to display in the Wii version. The most important line is line 75:
#shadow, #header, #sidebar, #respond, #commentform, #comments { display: none; }
This line tells the broswer to EXCLUDE these section from displaying on the Wii. You will need to modify this line to fit the sections in your theme.
Open your style.css file for your theme and find the sections you don’t want to display and then add the names to the command above.
If you aren’t very good at CSS like I am then make changes to the wii-style.css file and upload the file to your theme’s folder.
Next load the web page in your browser and see what disappears from the page. Remember use the “?wii=1” on the end of the URL.
After a few tries you will see what is being removed from displaying.
5. Save the files and upload them to your theme’s folder.
That’s it! Now try it on one of your themes for fun.
Blackberry Video: Converting DVDs for the Blackberry
I just got my new Blackberry Curve from T-Mobile and couldn’t wait to put some videos on it.
There weren’t a lot of site out there on how to convert DVDs and other videos for the Blackberry so I put a quick site together and wrote some article on how to convert video.
Stop by and take a look at it.
Free BB Video
How-to capture videos and store them on your Blackberry Pearl 8100, Curve 8300, or 8800. Free tools, tips, and techniques to turn your Blackberry into a video power house!
What else do you think I need to add?
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