So Easy Even a Chimp Can Do It!
  • Time to Get Social-BuddyPress Beta Released

    I can’t wait to update my sites with the new code. This is a great project everyone should try out. It allows you to turn WordPress Mu into a social networking site. I have a couple of installs going for clients and they love it.

    What do you think about it? Have you had a chance to install it yet? Post your thoughts.

    BuddyPress 1.0 Beta 2 Released
    January 29, 2009 – 5:00 pm

    1.0b2 versions of all components and themes are now available for download.

    This release fixes hundreds of bugs found since beta 1, the vast majority found and reported by you, the community. Thank you for all the feedback, bug reports and patches so far.

  • News Flash: WordPress Mu 2.7 Now Available

    Get the Latest Version of WordPress Mu

    Great News, WordPress Mu is now up to sync with WordPress.  I will work on upgrading my sites this weekend!

    Has anyone else upgrade to this yet?  Any snags we should know about.  I upgraded Chimp-Simple last night from WP 2.3 to 2.7 and went without a problem.  Thanks for all the hard work and great code!

    WordPress MU 2.7

    WordPress MU 2.7
    Jan 28, 2009

    After a lengthy delay, WordPress MU 2.7 is now available. WordPress MU is the software that runs on and many other sites.

    This is a sync of the code from WordPress 2.7 released last December. It’s taken a while but I think it’s worth the wait as there are many bugs fixed. Besides the merge with WordPress 2.7 there are also a few new features, including Viper007bond’s admin bar which is the most user visible addition.

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